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Para alegrar los corazones - da lacht das Herz - to make you happy

Esto es volando sobre el principado de monaco,miren el despege tiene una alfombra , es una de las vistas mas linda sobre las que e volado
saludos espero pasarme unos dias por alla en sept

Carlos Olivera

Der legendäre Kuba Zweisitzer von Carlos Olivera (Canada) über Monacco.

The cuban bandera is flying over Monacco


Fliegtag erstes Juli Wochenende in Las Minas / Charco Redondo Granma Kuba

Pictures by / Bilder von El Chino

Die Gleitschirme hochbringen...

Flying first weekend of july at  Las Minas / Charco Redondo Granma  Cuba

Bringing up the paragliders  ;)


Exploring Pinar del Rio to open new flying sites

Well, Yordi and Andrius from La Isla were giving a basic pg course to some of the Pinar del Rio skydiving club. They are founding a pg club there and they have a lot of potential on the Sierra del Rosario and Sierra de los Organos mountain rages.

Cordillera de Guaniguanico, is a low range of hills in Pinar del Río province, western Cuba. It extends about 40 mi (64 km) northeast from Mantua and comprises the Sierra de los Órganos and the Sierra del Rosario, which rises 2,293 ft (699 m) at El Pan de Guajaibón. The Sierra del Rosario exhibits a multitude of knolls formed of different rock materials, whereas steep limestone cones tower in the Sierra de los Órganos. Extensive pine and oak forests cover the cordillera, and mineral springs occur along fault lines.

The thing is that there is not a take off yet and we were there to explore. First we climbed to a spot that looked well from the valley
but up there we saw that nothing good came from it. 

So we went down again to a small training hill for a chicken jump, hehe.
