Federación Cubana de Vuelo Libre Vuelo Libre en Cuba Vol Libré en Cuba Paragliding and hanggliding in Cuba Gleitschirm und Drachen fliegen in Kuba Voo Libre
5ème Encuentro Amistoso 16.-20.3.2011 in Santiago de Cuba
Volando en Rio la mula
Unterstützung für verunglückten kubanischen Piloten - we are looking for help
20 de Febrero del 2011
René Mario Hechavarría Cedeño, Piloto del Club de parapente de Bayamo, miembro oficial del CAC, tubo un accidente. Su 'parapente sufrió una plegada a escasos metros del suelo mientras trataba de ganar unos metros en la ladera de corralillo. Las condiciones eran moderadas, de un instante a otro su vela plegó aproximadamente al 50 %, pero estaba muy bajo, mientras trataba de retomar control sobre el ala, ya estaba de frente a la montaña. Golpeó contra la montaña totalmente de pie, mientras trataba de salirse del arnés. De inmediato fue trasladado hasta el hospital.
El diagnóstico en el Hospital de Bayamo fue, compresión de dos Vértebras y fractura de una tercera.
Dicho piloto cumplía con todos los requerimientos técnicos (paracaídas de reserva, cosco, parapente en óptimas condiciones)
Más tarde sobre las 21:30h Rene Mario salió de cirugía, luego de aproximadamente 3 horas.
Los cirujanos reportaron que actualmente había 2 vértebras comprimidas, las cuales lograron descomprimir satisfactoriamente.
Ambos cirujanos estuvieron de acuerdo en que la cirugía fue exitosa y esperan que Rene se recupera satisfactoriamente, por el momento se está recobrando para comenzar a usar un corsé.
Todo el que desee ayudar a Rene Mario, su esposa y el bebé que les está por nacer, es bienvenido a hacerlo donando una pequeña cantidad de dinero.
Muchas gracias a todos los que tomaran parte en esta colecta para Rene Mario
Estamos buscando un parapente pequeño para Rene Mario, de un rango de peso aproximado de 50 - 70 Kgs. El pesa solo 48 Kg.
Por favor contáctenos por EA5@fcvl.de o hablen directamente con los organizadores.
20th february 2011René Mario Hechavarría Cedeño, Pilot Club of Bayamo, official member of CAC, had an accident. His wing suffered a collapse just a few meters above ground, when he was soaring the slope at Coralillo with moderate wind. The collapse took approximately 50% of the wing away and he was already too low to gain control over the wing while facing towards the mountain. He hit ground in an upright position and was transported to the hospital immediately.At the hospital in Bayamo, a compression fracture of two vertebrae was diagnosed.The pilot was in compliance with all technical requirements (reserve parachute, helmet, paragliding in optimal conditions). Later that day, around 21:30h Rene came out of surgery, after approximately 3 hours.The surgeons reported that actually there were two compressed vertebrae and they managed decompression successfully. Both surgeons agree that surgery was a success and expect the best of the trends by Rene, for the moment he has to wear a supporting corset.Everybody willling to support Rene Mario and his wife and small baby girl is welcome to do so by giving any little amount of money.
Thanks to everybody taking part in the collection for Rene!
We are looking to find a small wing as well for Rene Mario, with an aproximate weight range of up to 50-70 kgs. His weight is 48kg only.
Please contact EA5@fcvl.de or talk to the organizers directly.
German readers may call Chris +49162-1389643 or +49721-6288211
Las ultimas fotos de Gerardo
Fotos del chino
5ème rencontre amicale internationale
Our small Cross Country flight
almost deaf because of the high pitch. Need to adjust this. It is a real pitty that I was the only one with a tracking device, while the others flew perfectly well: El chino crossed all over the river dam in front of Corralillo, trying to reach "El Bolo". Later he returned to the Main road near Santa Rita. El conejo could make it to the junction of Guisa. Chavez and Pupito
took the same route and returned to the town in order to close a triangle. Really, a real good and amazing flying. I was crying in the air for a better wing, like a Targa: Buhuhuhuaaaaa