source: Action Sports Projekt "Helfe Kuba - von Piloten für Piloten" 2008
Das Projekt help Cuba, von Piloten für Piloten, lief sehr gut an. Piloten spendeten ihre nicht mehr gebrauchten Deltas, Gleitschirme, Helme, Gurtzeuge sowie viel Zubehöhr. Mitte Dezember ging eine Kiste mit ca. 520 Kg. von Vaduz nach Antwerpen/Holland und per Schiff nach Havanna. Nach regem Mailverkehr erhielt ich von höchster Stelle in Cuba ein Ok für den Import. Einen sehr grossen Dank den verschiedenen Sponsoren, ohne diese währe der teure Transport nach Havanna fast nicht möglich gewesen.
The Project help Cuba, from pilots to pilots, runs very well. Pilots donated their no longer used hanggliders, paragliders, helmets, harnesses and a lot of accessories. In mid-December was a box with about 520 Kg. goes off Vaduz to Antwerp/ Holland and then by boat to Havana/Cuba. After busy traffic-mail I received from the highest office in cuba a Ok for the import. A very big thank the various sponsors, without these the expensive transport to Havana almost impossible.

The Project help Cuba, from pilots to pilots, runs very well. Pilots donated their no longer used hanggliders, paragliders, helmets, harnesses and a lot of accessories. In mid-December was a box with about 520 Kg. goes off Vaduz to Antwerp/ Holland and then by boat to Havana/Cuba. After busy traffic-mail I received from the highest office in cuba a Ok for the import. A very big thank the various sponsors, without these the expensive transport to Havana almost impossible.
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